Monday, February 10, 2014

Grants for Career Training Programs

The Red Seal Program is recognized as the interprovincial standard of excellence in the skilled trades. The Red Seal Program encourages harmonization of provincial and territorial apprenticeship training and certification programs by developing and maintaining interprovincial standards of qualification for about 55 recognized trades, in partnership with apprenticeship and certification stakeholders.

Apprenticeship is an industry-based learning system that combines on-the-job experience with technical training to produce a certified journeyperson. Often called "earning while learning."

Upon completion of the specified training period, apprentices receive a Certificate of Qualification. Apprenticeship programs are generally administered by provincial and territorial departments responsible for education, labour and training (under the direction of the provincial or territorial Director of Apprenticeship) with authority delegated from the legislation in each province and territory.

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)

The AIG is a taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year or level, up to a maximum amount of $2,000. You must submit your application by June 30 of the year after you complete the first and/or second year or level.

How to Apply for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant

Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)

The ACG is a $2,000 taxable cash grant designed to encourage apprentices registered in a designated Red Seal trade to complete their apprenticeship program and receive their journeyperson certification.

How to Apply for the Apprenticeship Completion Grant

Did you know that examination fees paid to write certification exams may qualify for a tuition tax credit? Simply fill out Schedule 11 of your tax return.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4th English for Specific Purposes Conference

IATET (International Association of Technical English Trainers) is once again sponsoring the Friday afternoon sessions which focus on Technical English.

Venue: Hochschule Ulm, Germany
Friday 4th October 2013
Saturday 5th October 2013

Delegate registration opens 1st May 2013

Main conference.

In total we will be accepting 16 proposals (talks and workshops). There will be a total of sixteen 60-minute slots on the Saturday with a maximum of 4 sessions in each slot.

The expansion of scientific, technical and economic activity on an international scale, has created an increasing demand on learning English not for pleasure but because English is the key to technology and commerce.

The demand for English courses tailored to specific needs is rapidly growing in areas such as:
the automobile & automotive industry
travel & tourism
human resources
technical English
military & peacekeeping
and many many more.
Go to for additional information

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