Saturday, October 2, 2010

The eLearning Africa Conference

eLearning Africa is delighted to announce that next year's conference will take place from May 25 - 27, 2011 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The 6th event in the series of pan-African conferences and exhibitions will focus on Africa's youth. Africa has the highest percentage of young people anywhere in the world. How can it unlock the vast reservoir of talent? How can technology support education and training?

This is your opportunity to "see" Tanzania, its ICT projects and other innovative eLearning initiatives in Africa.

Call for Papers Now Open

You are invited to submit a proposal for the eLearning Africa 2011 conference programme. The proposal can be for a session, presentation, workshop or discussion on the general topic of Youth, Skills and Employability.

Please send your proposal by December 10th, 2010, using the online submission form at

You can send your suggestions on the following topics:

A. Conceptual Frameworks: Learning, Knowledge, Skills and Employability
B. Policies, Partnerships and Resources
C. Technology Solutions, Innovations and Choices
D. Sector-Based eLearning
E. Capacity Development and eInclusion
F. Education Content, Resources and Intellectual Property Rights

If you register for eLearning Africa 2011 before December 10th, you can benefit from reduced rates.

African Nationals Based in Africa: 230 Euros (280 Euros from December 11th)
Other Participants: 490 Euros (590 Euros from December 11th)
African Students: 100 Euros (100 Euros from December 11th)
Non-African Students: 170 Euros (170 Euros from December 11th)

For more information about the event, please contact:

Katharina Goetze & Andrea Gruenler
Leibnizstrasse 32
10625 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33

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Previous blog posts, education articles, links to information, education services and social media in the right side bar, 

List of education blogs below the posts.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Second BESIG OnLine Conference

Following the success of BESIG's first ever online event in June we are very happy to announce the second in this series of events, which this time has been organised to explore and discuss intercultural communication in business and the business English classroom.

A team of leading business English and intercultural communication professionals has been invited to share their considerable expertise in this increasingly important, many would argue crucial, aspect of our work.

This entirely web-based conference will take place at 14.00 (CET, i.e. UTC/GMT+2 ) on 30 September 2010. The schedule is as follows:

14.00 Baoquan Liu: Assessing Intercultural Business Communicative Competence

14.20 Evan Frendo: But we have a contract!

14.40 Sabrina Gerland: Teaching culture with a pragmatics approach

15.00 Peter Franklin: Mindfulness - and what else it takes to 'do' intercultural business communication

15.20 Panel discussion and Question & Answer session with online audience (20 - 30 min)

For full details about the speakers, their talks and how to take part, please visit the BESIG webiste here:

Looking forward to seeing you at the this exciting event on September 30, 2010.


Carl Dowse
IATEFL BE SIG Web Coordinator

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