Monday, February 1, 2010

Career Info Night at Willis College

Willis College welcomes Toronto to their newest downtown location.

Come and see the new direct job entry Business, Technology and Health programs.

Free career consulting, explanation of available careers, career planning resources and career training.

Find out how you can start your Canada academic preparation training at Willis and go onto many USA and Canadian colleges and universities.

Located at 3080 Yonge Street, third floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Willis College is on the North West corner of Yonge and Lawrence in Toronto.

For subway access exit the Lawrence Station at the south - and walk up the North-West exit - turn left for 10 meters and into the first door.

To reserve your free seat email the info night coordinator: rmcbride (at) williscollege (dot) com or call 416 485 8588.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

TESOL Arabia Conference Online

TESOL Arabia is proud to welcome you to TESOL Arabia Conference Online
(TACON Online) - our new conference portal.

This interactive platform brings the annual International TESOL Arabia conference to the world. TACON offers you a way to connect with teachers from across campus and from around the globe. Start using TACON Online to meet other teachers, discuss hot topics in the field, to consider new ideas and perspectives, and to follow the conference.

Major features of TACON Online, which TESOL Arabia is offering for the first time ever, include:

- Register and access the full site easily (it's free for all!)
- Discuss hot topics on the discussion forums
- View videos of plenary and featured sessions
- Download handouts
- Download other conference presentation resources
- Upload conference photos
- Upload your presentation handouts, etc.
- Take part in online polls about ELT
- Get Twitter and conference session updates
- Write a User Blog

Other features will regularly be added to the portal for all registered users.

Register now for FREE and enjoy this new professional development service. Also, please circulate this notice among your colleagues, no matter where they are in the world. Your participation & helping us to spread the word will help to make this initiative a success!

To register, visit:

We look forward to seeing you at the conference - either online, in Dubai or

Best regards,

Josephine Clark Kennedy & Mashael Al Hamly & Ismail Fayed

TESOL Arabia

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