Saturday, January 23, 2010

TESOL Arabia Conference Online

TESOL Arabia is proud to welcome you to TESOL Arabia Conference Online
(TACON Online) - our new conference portal.

This interactive platform brings the annual International TESOL Arabia conference to the world. TACON offers you a way to connect with teachers from across campus and from around the globe. Start using TACON Online to meet other teachers, discuss hot topics in the field, to consider new ideas and perspectives, and to follow the conference.

Major features of TACON Online, which TESOL Arabia is offering for the first time ever, include:

- Register and access the full site easily (it's free for all!)
- Discuss hot topics on the discussion forums
- View videos of plenary and featured sessions
- Download handouts
- Download other conference presentation resources
- Upload conference photos
- Upload your presentation handouts, etc.
- Take part in online polls about ELT
- Get Twitter and conference session updates
- Write a User Blog

Other features will regularly be added to the portal for all registered users.

Register now for FREE and enjoy this new professional development service. Also, please circulate this notice among your colleagues, no matter where they are in the world. Your participation & helping us to spread the word will help to make this initiative a success!

To register, visit:

We look forward to seeing you at the conference - either online, in Dubai or

Best regards,

Josephine Clark Kennedy & Mashael Al Hamly & Ismail Fayed

TESOL Arabia

Our Blog URL:

Previous blog posts, education articles, links to information, education services and social media in the right side bar, 

List of education blogs below the posts.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Topics and Events

"The Future of Learning Is Increasingly Free"
Arsenal Score with Languages Project
A new Universe for E-Driven Learning Architectures
Bringing Language Learning to Life
OEB Podcast Series 2009
Enjoy the Clash of Opinions “ Welcome to the "Battle of the Bloggers"
Live Radio Show with Graham Attwell
New Security Learning Magazine to Launch at OEB
Supporting Transition from Secondary Education - "One Size Doesn't Fit All"

Networking at OEB

With a programme featuring internationally-renowned e-learning experts and packed full of highlights, OEB 2009 will soon be underway. The conference promises to be a stimulating environment for the delegates and exhibitors. More than two thousand registered education professionals from all over the world will gather in Berlin at the e-learning event of the year.

We would like to invite you to a range of exciting sessions, plenaries and the ONLNE EDUCA debate at this year's conference.

To view the extensive programme, goto:

In addition, a range of exciting networking events will accompany this year's conference: Bring plenty of business cards!

Meet other people interested in "your" topics, and discuss them with your co-diners over Special Interest Group Lunches. Please check the message boards in the registration area to see which themes will be discussed at which table - and reserve your place early!

Sixty-minute Knowledge Exchange Sessions with a strong emphasis on networking will encourage participants to share knowledge and ideas about specific projects.

Demonstrations and Best Practice Showcases will take place throughout Thursday afternoon. The highly flexible format allows participants a chance to experience a range of innovative tools, services and online courses and try them out for themselves.

We are looking forward to three exciting days of learning and networking with you in Berlin!

Blog URL:

Previous blog posts, education articles, links to information, education services and social media in the right side bar, 

List of education blogs below the posts.