Friday, November 27, 2009


Topics and Events

"The Future of Learning Is Increasingly Free"
Arsenal Score with Languages Project
A new Universe for E-Driven Learning Architectures
Bringing Language Learning to Life
OEB Podcast Series 2009
Enjoy the Clash of Opinions “ Welcome to the "Battle of the Bloggers"
Live Radio Show with Graham Attwell
New Security Learning Magazine to Launch at OEB
Supporting Transition from Secondary Education - "One Size Doesn't Fit All"

Networking at OEB

With a programme featuring internationally-renowned e-learning experts and packed full of highlights, OEB 2009 will soon be underway. The conference promises to be a stimulating environment for the delegates and exhibitors. More than two thousand registered education professionals from all over the world will gather in Berlin at the e-learning event of the year.

We would like to invite you to a range of exciting sessions, plenaries and the ONLNE EDUCA debate at this year's conference.

To view the extensive programme, goto:

In addition, a range of exciting networking events will accompany this year's conference: Bring plenty of business cards!

Meet other people interested in "your" topics, and discuss them with your co-diners over Special Interest Group Lunches. Please check the message boards in the registration area to see which themes will be discussed at which table - and reserve your place early!

Sixty-minute Knowledge Exchange Sessions with a strong emphasis on networking will encourage participants to share knowledge and ideas about specific projects.

Demonstrations and Best Practice Showcases will take place throughout Thursday afternoon. The highly flexible format allows participants a chance to experience a range of innovative tools, services and online courses and try them out for themselves.

We are looking forward to three exciting days of learning and networking with you in Berlin!

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Previous blog posts, education articles, links to information, education services and social media in the right side bar, 

List of education blogs below the posts.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

IPCC 2010 Communication in a Self-Service Society

Communication in a Self-Service Society

New Communication Practices
Among the many changes computer technology has brought us in the past decades, the drastic changes in our ways of communicating are the most noticeable. E-mail has taken the place of traditional mail and telegrams. Web sites take the place of corporate brochures and product catalogues, electronic forms are starting to make traditional paper forms obsolete. Traditional printed reports lose their primary in corporate communication;PowerPoint presentations, wikis, and blogs take their place. Formal one-way communication structures are replaced by more informal network structures.

These changes have increased the possibilities for the general public to get engaged in activities that traditionally belonged to the responsibility of specialists. The Internet enables us to become our own travel agents, bankers, or even our own physicians. wikipedia is a striking example of the way members of the public co-create a source of information that matches or surpasses the well-respected Encyclopedia Britannica and its counterparts in other countries. Our society is changing from service to self-service.

The move to self-service has important consequences for technical and professional communication. To mention only a few: Web 2.0 features enable the public to contribute to or amend (technical) documentation. User forums, weblogs (blogs), and wikis have become important sources of information about almost every conceivable topic. The roles of information creator and information user are becoming interchangeable. Administrative organizations such as banks, insurance companies, and government agencies increasingly use the Internet as the channel for transactions with their public. Health organizations are using the Internet for communication purposes, from health advice and consultation to remote monitoring of patients.

New Questions
This raises important questions for technical and professional communicators. what are the social and economic implications of the self-service world? Who will profit, and who runs the risk of being excluded? What are the consequences of the "digital divide" if everyone is expected to "help themselves?" How can technical communication and usability specialists support the development of self-service environments that make sense and empower the public to put them to good use? How can we teach our students to effectively create and use information in self-service environments?

We hope to explore these questions and other issues at IPCC 2010.

IPCC 2010 Conference Threads


•How to help users conduct transactions, find their way in complex information systems.
•The effectiveness of wizards, cue cards, instructions, etc.
•Effect on self-confidence, perceived ease of use, acceptance of systems (which factors are good predictors of acceptance and usability).
•Ethical aspects of self-service.

Access and Accessibility

•Create information and services for people with limited prior knowledge, language skills, and digital skills.
•Giving people with disabilities of any kind access to information and services.
•Technical communication and the Digital Divide.
•Mobile or ubiquitous access to information.

Web 2.0 for Technical Communicators

•Wikis, blogs, forums: How can technical and professional communicators put them to good use?
•Chat, text messaging, Twitter, and their applications in professional and organizational communication.
•Facebook, LinkedIn, and their impact on the engineering and technical communication community.
•New roles for tech support.
•User-generated content (instructions, support, etc.).
•Web 2.0 in the engineering context.

Visualization of Location, Space, and Direction

•Uses, usability, and accessibility of geo-spatial information in applications like Google Maps and Streetview.
•Usability of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for lay audiences.
•Innovative applicaitons of geospatial information in technical communication.
•Design considerations for navigation and other GPS systems.
•Location-aware information systems.

Engineering Communication, Communicating Engineering

•Typical genres for engineering communication.
•Development of new genres.
•Education and life-long learning.
•Service learning.
•Communication courses.
•Visualization skills.
•Communicating numbers or statistics.
•Proposal writing.
•Oral presentations for and by engineers.
•Video instructions.

Go to IPCC for additional info:

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